Friday, October 19, 2012


It's amazing what all you can find that you forgot you had when you are cleaning out for a yard sale. 
Found so many things, pictures,  etc that we had forgot we had.  We had a ton of things for the sale. I am hoping to make a minimum of $500.00. Wish me luck!! 

One thing we found while we were going through stuff was this little green frog.   Well that's what it was when it was new. It looks like something dead now.  lol  It was actually Sammy's very first play toy when he was a puppy six years ago. He carried that little frog everywhere. It was so cute.

I showed it to him and he acted like he knew exactly what it was. He took it from me and played with it. He threw it around and ran around with it. It was so cute. He wouldn't let me or Don have it back. He is just to cute.  

Anyway, I think we are as ready as we are going to be. Every item is priced.  I have always  hated going to sales and nothing has a price on it. I hate having to ask the price for every item I am interested in. So if it is in my sale, it has a price on it. Ω Tables are out with all the stuff on them. I have them covered for tonight. We are getting up at 5 am -Yuk!!! for coffee and to put the furniture out.  People start flooding this neighborhood no later than 6 am.  Even though you would think it would be at least 8.  Oh well, I just want to sell, sell, sell, tomorrow.  

Come on



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