Friday, October 12, 2012


Wow! Not sure where all this energy has came from, but I have been so busy cleaning the last few days. .

  I cleaned the closets out in the from bedroom and got that room completely clean. Then yesterday I cleaned the front bathroom cabinets out
. After that I started on the living room.

 I decided to move everything around to make things fit a little better. My treadmill takes up a lot of room so I moved a table and my recliner out. I would move the treadmill, but I use it often. So it has to stay.

 I took everything out, and the kitchen instantly became a giant mess.  But was so tired, I decided to stop and start again this morning.

I decided to get up at 5:30 am with Don. I fixed us coffee, and sent him off to work. Then I started in on the mess.  Finally after awhile, the pantry came together, and I was so happy!!!

Now on to the kitchen. First, washed all the cabinets down, tore the stove apart, and started the oven on  the clean cycle. Dishes in dishwasher, appliances all cleaned and shined. Counters cleaned and windowsills cleaned. Swept and steamed the floor and Wa La!!! A very clean kitchen.

May tackle the inside of the cabinets tomorrow.  Hmmm, we'll see.  :)

I guess I am spring cleaning in the fall.  lol

Just as I finished the kitchen, Don walked in from work. He came home a couple hours early. Perfect timing!!

Now for the rest of the evening, I plan on doing nothing but relaxing and having a wonderful glass of wine!! 

Enjoy your evening.


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