Saturday, October 13, 2012


I am so sad, still today, from a show I watched on HLN last night. It was about a yellow tabby cat, named Double Trouble. My heart broke from the horrors The University of Wisconsin was inflicting on this poor animal. Ask NIH to Stop Funding Cruel UW Experiment on Cats!  OMG!!!
I'm appalled by these photos of this poor animal. I'm am an animal lover, and I wonder how these "people" sleep at night.  SHAME ON THEM!!! These " so-called" scientists were born without a heart or soul! 

There are more humane research methods available that don't use animals, and which are far more accurate. Animal research is a fraud. Many people make money from this. The researchers that receive grants, to the companies that make the cages, surgery tool, etc. It needs to STOP, and the government needs to stop funding it with tax payers money. 

Absolute horrors and lies! I believe one day these "monsters" that torture poor innocent animals, God" creation, WILL have to answer to a "Higher Power.  Their day will come! But in the meantime, this has to be stopped!! 

Here they are tortured there entire life while there, and then when they seem DEPRESSED, they aren't any use anymore. So they are killed, and there heads cut off so they can look at the brain. SICK BASTARDS!! 

And if you think this is bad, check out the fur trade. OMG!! This gives me nightmares.  "WARNING" VIEWING OF THIS LINK MAY CAUSE LOSS OF SLEEP AND OR NIGHTMARES."   
Tell Stein Mart to Dump Fur!

In America, if one kicks their dog, it is considered animal cruelty, but it's ok to torture animals, all in the name of science. This is just insane!!!

If you want to check out some of the other ways animals are tortured for the almighty dollar, here is Peta's link.

I adore my dog and just the thought of him being in any pain, hurts me. My heart aches for these poor animals. It's just horrible to even think about.. It's just WRONG!!!


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