Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Miller update 2

Took the boys on an early morning walk by the lake

Miller loved just taking his time and 

checking out all the smells

He was fascinated by the family of ducks

When Don came home Miller met him at the door with Sammy. It was so cute.
He took Sammy's cue and jumped up on Don for some love. Don picked him up
and gave it to him.

Don sat down in his chair for his little nap he takes every day after work. 
Miller walked over to him and wanted to be picked up. So cute!

Miller took a nap with him

Later I was lying on the couch watching the Bachelorette and
Miller climbed on top of me and fell asleep

Miller woke up at 1:30 am. He needed to go out. Good Boy!

Sammy woke Don at 3 am. He wanted another drink of water. Miller was sleeping but Don went over and put him in bed with us. I woke up to lots of puppy love this morning. Needless to say, we slept in until 6:15 this morning. Don usually gets up at 5:30 and I get up at 5:45 to have coffee with him before he leaves. Thanks Boys!

Don sat down to have his coffee while waiting on me to go outside. I like sitting outside and having my coffee every morning. Rain or shine. Miller went over and wanted Don to pick him up.
Of course he did. lol


we had a full day of
 Happy Tail Wagging!!!

It was a good day!


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