Monday, June 16, 2014

Follow Along! Fiber 2 Diet!

Do you have a few pounds that no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of it. I am there. I have hit some kind of plateau and just can't get it gone. I exercise, always have, try to eat well, (not always
successful here), but I do try.

I keep seeing this "Skinny Fiber" advertised all over facebook and decided to check it out. While it does have good reviews, it also has a lot of bad reviews.

I decided to dig a little deeper and have found something called

"Fiber 2".  While this one did not have as many reviews as Skinny Fiber, it did have all 5 star reviews.  Check out the link.
skinny fiber and fiber 2

It was also half the price of Skinny Fiber. Skinny Fiber cost more on facebook than it does on Amazon. It is 59.99 on facebook and several different prices on Amazon starting at 14.99 to 42.99. Both kinds have 120 pills in the bottle.

I have decided to give Fiber 2 a try. Fiber 2 cost 28.95 on Amazon.

I will keep you updated on this and let you know if it works or not, if it gives you the jitters or not, if it makes your heart race or not, if it takes away that urge to eat, if it lets you sleep at night or not. And anything else I think you might like to know about it.

Starting this in the morning, Tuesday June 17th.  I will weigh myself in the morning and we will go from there.

Will let you know what kind of exercise I do each day and also where i have trouble with eating. 

Watch for the updates if you are interested in this. I only will do natural products. Not interested in the ones that aren't.

Here's to hoping this works.  OH, probably should not have a lot of this, this week. :)

Wish me luck!!


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