Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Letters!!

Dear Sandy Hook Elementary,
I am so sorry for the evil that has invaded your school.

Dear Parents and loved ones of the sandy hook elementary school shootings,
my heart and prayers go out to you. I can't imagine the horror that you are experiencing today.

Dear shooter,
Why, why, why would you harm such innocent little children and their teachers. Their are no good answers. No excuse can make this right. I wish you were here to explain how one's mind can turn so evil. What happened to cause such hate against ones you don't even know.

Dear Kisha, Laci, Brittany, Jackson, Don, Mom, and all of my loved ones,
I love you all and so glad you are safe.  I wish I could hold and hug each one of you today.  Please pray for these families that are going through horrible times right now.

Dear sore throat,
You have been here for two days. Please go away. NOW!!

Dear Solie and Tom,
I am so excited for you that you have moved into your new home. But sad that you are no longer our neighbors. Looking forward to seeing you in your new home tonight. We will bring the wine.

Dear Don,
Thanks for being such a great nurse the last couple of days. I do appreciate you. 


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