Saturday, December 22, 2012

Check this tree out!!

Went to Michaels to get one small brush. Thought I would have to stand in line forever for it too.

While there I found a steal!!!
Check this tree out!!
It was $250.00 marked down to $49.00.

OMG!! The ornaments alone are worth more than that.

A lady said they had six of them in different colors. Only the blue and silver tree and the red and gold tree were left.

While standing in line, a lady came over and said she had came back to get this tree.  I didn't give it to her because Don wanted me to get a small tree to have in the house for the people staying in our house while we are gone and also so we would have a tree when we have Christmas with his daughters when we get back. 


We are having Christmas in Texas next year and I already have my blue and silver ornaments I brought last year for next year. I knew I was doing blue and silver next year so this is so perfect..

Also got 

 blue and silver wrapping paper at 50% off. 

And also got these really cute name tags that play into my colors for next year also.

At 60% off

Sure glad I ventured out for that little brush!!!

I love the Christmas sales!!!



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