Monday, May 5, 2014

Pissed Off!!!!

I am now pissed off. Our lives have been invaded by this gang that goes by the name 

of Mr Flu. Some aliases are Flu Bug, Flu Man,  The Flu and just Flu.

Well, Mr Flu, I am fed up with you. I watched you send in your army of germs and took over Don's body.

 And you are still there today. Then you decided that wasn't enough.. You wanted me too. But I never have been one to back down from a fight that should not be happening,

 so I got in and out of the hot tub at 104 degrees several times a day to try and sweat you out. You wouldn't leave.

I then let my body chill really bad, to try and freeze you out. You wouldn't leave.

I let my body ache for the last couple days all over to try to put a lot of little obstacles in your armies way.

That was Friday and Saturday. Then Sunday was my birthday.

 Yes you were still around, but it was a great day to just lie around and do nothing. We can celebrate my birthday another day. So, while you thought you were winning on Sunday, you actually weren't.

Then the last couple of days,  I have  ran several high fevers to try to burn you out.  Your army got weaker. A lot of the germs decided they were outta here. They were the smart ones.

Now it's Monday, and you have me pissed off.

Listen up, Mr Flu and all your "little" germs. I have been trying to play nice. But I have had it. I am going to go to bed for the night. 

and you have exactly until 7 am  to leave my body, Don's body, and our house

Why 7 am?  Because I know you brought a large army of germs with you and I figure it will take you awhile to gather them all up. I will be getting up about 8:00 am and I don't want to see any sign of you,

or all Hell is going to reign down on you.

If you choose to stay, I will kick off my shoes, put on my karate outfit, wrap my 5th degree black belt on, and then I am going to personally

kick your ass.

You have been warned!!!!

Get out while you can!!!

Oh, and good call on your part, I have checked with both my girls

and you have not bothered them.  Lucky You!

 Not even you would want a dog in that fight.

NO ONE messes with my girls.



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