Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday Letters!

Dear Noah,
I miss you so much. I have dreamed about you almost every night since you went to the Rainbow Bridge. Can't wait to see you again someday. I love you, my feathered friend. 

Dear Sammy,
I know I hold you a little tighter these days, I talk to you more and tell you how much you are 

loved more often. I am now working on keeping you as healthy as possible. I want you around forever. So please understand while I slowly cut out your bacon. I know how much you love it. But I also know how much you love the long walks and there are plenty of them happening.  I love you so much, little buddy. Stay well and safe. 

Dear Mom,
I am so sorry you seem to feel bad all the time. I wish I could make you better. I love you. I will try and get up there to see you very soon. 

Dear Don,
Thank you so much for working so hard on Noah's video. I do appreciate you so much. I love you. 

Dear Laci and Brian,
Congratulations on your new place. I can't wait to see it. Love you both. 

Dear Kisha,
Love talking to you every day. I hope things work out with you know who. Your husband is a smart man. He will be ok in all of this. :) I am sorry you aren't going on the cruise in June but thrilled you guys are all coming here for Christmas. Can't wait!

Dear Huvian,
I am so glad to have you as a friend. I love talking and laughing with you. Can't wait to see you again. Can't wait for you all to get here for Christmas. Can't wait to take you to the casino in Lake Charles. It will be so much fun and to go meet your friend in Baton Rouge. Looking very forward to Christmas this year already. :)

Dear Weather,
Thank you for finally warming up. Please, no more cold, let Spring enter my world. 

Dear Brittany,
I miss you. I hope you can come for Christmas this year. It won't be the same without you here. I love you and am so proud of you. You always make such great grades. Call me sometime. 

Dear Jackson,
I am so proud of you and how well you are doing. Keep up the good work.  I love you, buddy.


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