Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!!


I hope you have a great Birthday!!
Wish I were there with you today

I love you mom!!

Happy Birthday!! Update!!

If you remember I got this product and fell in love with it until a week later when the grey was back. 
I contacted them and they sent the product back out to me and told me when I did it again, to leave it on for an extra 5 minutes. They sent it back out at no charge. Sweet!!  I didn't really believe leaving it on for 5 more minutes was going to do anything but 


It's now 11 days later and 


I will keep you updated on how long this is actually lasting this time but I am already happy.

For 19.99 a month and to get color mixed for ME!!

That's Awesome!!

For other links to my reviews on this product

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Letter from Sandy Hook on Gun Control!

Here is a Letter to the Editor from a man who understands the real agenda behind gun control: 

To the Editor: 

This letter was forwarded to Barack Obama, John Boehner, Chris Murphy, Dick Blumenthal, Elizabeth Esty, and Harry Reid 

I live in Sandy Hook, CT. My family and close friends 

Wash balls, Comforters and Reviews!!

Money saving tip

I have always taken my down comforters to the dry cleaners which is what I have always been told to do. We spend a lot of money on cleaning these king size comforters.

I got my daughter these 

Wash Balls and she was doing a review on them. 
In her review, she was 

Skinny Monkey Cookies Review!

  1. Skinny Monkey Cookies 
Yep! This one gets one whole star. It's only getting the entire star instead of a half of a star because it is gluten free, sugar free, only 47 calories per cookie and is a very healthy cookie if you can 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Zero Dark Thirty Review!

Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

 157 min  -  Action | Drama | History  -   11 January 2013 (USA)

A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 
2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L. Team 6 in 

Lazy Day!!!

I have had a very lazy day.

 I did finally make me some 
Fried Green Tomatoes. Yum! I love them!

Don't plan on doing much tonight either. Just going to watch
My favorite show on TV 


Hopefully I will get to bed, no, to sleep a little earlier tonight

We shall see!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Social

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?

The name of my blog is - Life According to Lenetta- and I have been blogging for about 3 months now!  It seems like it's been a lot longer than that. 

2. Why do you blog?

I started because my daughter kept telling me she thought I would really enjoy it. And she was right. 

3. What is the first blog you ever followed?

The very first one other than my daughter's was Mail4Rosey. I still follow hers.great  

4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012?
It would have to be the one on Family and Friends. There's so many great memories associated with it.

5. What are your blogging goals for 2013?
Make lots of new blogging friends.
And to figure out all the blogging things. 
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?

Weekly Goals #2- Link up time!!

Join us in our second 

to get there!  

Have a super day!

Recipes Coming Up for Reviews This Week

It's cold and a great week to use the smoker!!

Smoked Prime Rib
from Dadgum "That's Good"

Hope and Freedom Walk-A-Thon!!

Join Us!
Don and I have joined up with

If you are in the Houston area, and would like more information on this, please click the link below. 

This is a great cause and one that everyone with children,  and  or grandchildren. Everyone should be

Garden Garden Salad Dressing Review!

Olive Garden Salad Dressing
This is very good dressing. I added a little bit of sugar but really doubt if it needs any. I think if I make it again, I will not use any 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chili By George Review!!

Chili By George
This is a simple chili and very easy to make. It has a very good taste. I thought it might be to spicy for me with the cayenne pepper but I 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Update!! If you pump gas, Read this!

I just looked into this on Snopes and it says it is false. I usually, always check these things out before posting them, but since this came from our Home Owners, I assumed it was true. 
My bad!  But at the least, it does make you be a little more aware of your surroundings. Again, sorry for the false post.

This just came to us from our 
Home Owners Association.

We live in Houston, but if it's happening here, more and likely it is happening all over the country.
Better safe than sorry!! 

Be careful at gas stations & parking lots/criminals giving free key rings with device chip. 
There is a syndicate of criminals presenting themselves as sales promoters who are giving free key rings at gas stations and parking lots. The key ring has a tracking device chip which allows the criminals to track and follow you.
Please, please don't accept them. They select their seemingly well-to-do potential victims and if you accept, you might become a victim of their tricks. The key holders are very beautiful and hard to resist accepting; but remember, you may end up paying more than the cost of a key holder, including the risk to your life. Please advise your family members, email contacts, and friends as well    

High Five Friday!

High Five
that the rain has stopped

High Five
that Don is back from his trip

High Five 
that my first blog hop "Weekly Goals" is off to a good start.

High Five
to Kisha for all her help

High Five
that we are going to go see Zero Dark Thirty this weekend.