1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
The name of my blog is - Life According to Lenetta- and I have been blogging for about 3 months now! It seems like it's been a lot longer than that.
I started because my daughter kept telling me she thought I would really enjoy it. And she was right.
3. What is the first blog you ever followed?
The very first one other than my daughter's was Mail4Rosey. I still follow hers.great
4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2012?
It would have to be the one on Family and Friends. There's so many great memories associated with it.
5. What are your blogging goals for 2013?
Make lots of new blogging friends.
And to figure out all the blogging things.
6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?